🔥What’s the #1 enemy of your goals?🔥

April 22, 2022

I’m talking about the absolute biggest roadblock standing in your way. There are so many to choose from: Not having enough time Lack of support Not knowing what to do Your genetics Pizza Wine Fear of failure Fear of injury The list goes on and on 😲But what if I… Read more

How to Get Your Body Back ‘In the Flow’

August 30, 2021

Here’s a question for you: Have you ever gone through a time in your life when you felt “in the flow”? It’s like you get lost in a project, to the point where you are paying zero attention to anything else. You’re completely immersed in whatever activity you’re doing. It… Read more

Covid Anxiety and Brain Fog is Real – 7 Ways to Beat It

April 9, 2021

For the last two weeks, it’s taken a monumental effort for me to do the most basic things…Empty the dishwasher. Fold laundry. Matching my socks (I’ve given up on that because who cares?). And when it comes to work things like writing articles, sending out newsletters, making new workouts, cleaning… Read more

The Perfect Smoothie Formula for Health and Weight Loss

April 6, 2021

If I left my house right now, I could hit about 11 different smoothie and/or juice bars. I know this because I just Googled it. I have never actually been to a juice bar, but they have exploded over the last few years. Even the grocery store I go to… Read more

The Virus Isn’t The Only Thing That’s Contagious – Our Energy Is Too

August 7, 2020

I. Hate. Electronics.There. I said it. I know the world is a dumpster fire right now, so I won’t go on too long about how technologically awful things have been lately. ​​​​Just a recap: My computer crashed on a major project I was working on before I saved it.Had to… Read more

Working Out At Home — Spice Things Up and Lose Some Weight with a Weighted Vest

August 3, 2020

As I write this, we’re in a pandemic. Maybe you’ve heard of it? I’ve gotten a lot of questions from readers who can’t or don’t want to head back to the gym yet and want to know about working out at home. For sure, if you don’t already workout at… Read more

Struggling to Lose Weight? Here’s Why Not All Calories Are Equal

July 16, 2020

What dietary advice have I given my clients again and again and again? And again? If you want to lose weight you have to, say it with me, burn more calories than you eat. It’s a simple formula: Calories in vs. Calories out. If you just reduce the calories you’re… Read more

Belly Fat Breakthrough Episode 1: Why You Need to Stop Trying to Lose Weight to Lose Weight

June 18, 2020

  Hi, guys it’s Paige here and today’s Facebook Live kicks off my new series, The Belly Fat Solution Episode 1: Why You Need to Stop Losing Weight to Lose Weight. If any of y’all are new here, I’ve been talking about this subject here in the group and on… Read more

Your Perfect Lockdown Day Schedule

April 24, 2020

What do you do when you’ve been quarantined at home for (some of us) an indefinite period of time? According to some of the more interesting social media posts I’ve seen lately, a lot of people are making weird TikTok videos. I’ve also seen people who: Haven’t showered in days… Read more

Meal Prep 101 – Want to Lose Weight? Get Out the Tupperware

March 31, 2020

What’s the number one reason it’s really hard to lose weight? I know, you probably think of tons of reasons like: Too busy to exercise Too busy to research healthy foods and meals Hate to cook Can’t give up my comfort foods I have no idea where to start I’m… Read more

Video: Foam Rolling Exercises – Massage Yo’ Body!

February 14, 2020

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Video: Intermittent Fasting – What You Need to Know

February 3, 2020

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My Favorite Trick to Get Big Things Done

January 17, 2020

If I had to pick the one topic I’m always Googling on the Interwebs (besides hilarious pet videos) it would probably be: Getting S**t Done I’m the kind of person who, given a Big Project, will tend to do things like watch funny animal videos, check email every 5 minutes,… Read more

The Truth About Belly Fat…

December 16, 2019

  Here’s what I really want you to know, after months, well years really, of struggling with a stubborn belly that I couldn’t get rid of and, frankly, seemed like it was going to ruin my life.I figured it out.Here’s the thing: I got so frustrated, with myself and my… Read more

Jenny Did It – So Can You

December 16, 2019

If you feel a little hopeless about losing belly fat, I want to lift your mood a little to talk about my client *Jenny (changed her name at her request).She had a weight problem that she struggled with pretty much her entire life. She had tried every diet in the… Read more

I didn’t feel like ME anymore

December 16, 2019

It’s Paige here and how are you? I know the holidays can be stressful so I really hope you’re finding a way to stay sane.Now, here’s what I want to talk about: I remember the first time I became aware of my weight as a, well, kind of ‘characteristic’ that… Read more

My 3-second question to eliminate temptation…

December 6, 2019

Picture this for a second…. You’re at a holiday party. You’re surrounded by your family, friends, or coworkers and are having a great time. Drinks are flowing and food is everywhere. And it’s delicious. In fact, you’ve already indulged in some of your favorites, in moderation of course 😉 But… Read more

4 Tips for Stress-Free Holidays

November 15, 2019

Okay, we’re hitting the middle of November and the holidays are coming. We canNOT stop it and, for a lot of us, it’s one of the busiest times of the year. Before everything ramps up … let’s take some time to get prepared now. A little bit of effort now… Read more

The best make-ahead chili recipe ever

November 8, 2019

Okay, guys…as I write this it is November 8th, 2019 and it is 30 degrees, but feels like 22 degrees. Even for the native Chicagoans (of which I am not one, but I live here cuz I have to), this is Very Cold for this time of year. So, I’ve… Read more

Do THIS to never start over AGAIN.

October 25, 2019

When it comes to worn-out health and fitness terms, the words ‘Cheat Day’ have definitely had their day in the sun. Or shade, as the case may be. You can find umpteen articles about whether having a cheat day is a good thing or a bad thing, but it really… Read more

How to Upgrade Your Salad

October 14, 2019

Salad. I know it has 5 letters, but it’s a 4-letter word for all of us at one time or another. I sometimes feel that all I eat are salads, but if that were true I probably wouldn’t struggle with my weight as much as I do. So, how do… Read more

Don’t change your habits…upgrade them

October 11, 2019

How do we do what we do each day? The alarm goes off and we got up and do our thing – Workout, brush your teeth, shower, feed and walk the dog…even if you don’t feel like it, you do it. Part of that is just plain old habit (and… Read more

This nutrient keeps you feeling healthy AND full…

September 6, 2019

​​​​​​​​Did you know that there is a nutrient in your food that can keep you feeling full, doesn’t have any calories, and also help you live longer? Most of us don’t get enough of it. No it’s not wine. Sorry. It’s fiber, and it’s definitely worth taking a look at your intake since… Read more

Love Junk Food? There’s a Reason We Keep Going Back for More

August 9, 2019

Junk food. Most of us love it because it’s got All The Things that keep our brains and bodies ‘happy.’ Sugar, fat, carbs, hydrogenated megazonium (I made that last one up). And it’s interesting because I came across a study about ultra-processed foods (aka junk food) and how they make… Read more

Why I Just Needed to Shut Down

July 26, 2019

So, let’s talk electronics. Specifically – Computers. Remember this guy? That was me this week. Here’s the thing. For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been getting an error message every couple of days letting me know that my computer was experiencing heavy memory usage and I needed shut some… Read more

Why it’s hard to “be good” after a stressful day at work

July 19, 2019

Here’s something I’ve noticed recently – Not only is it hard to keep healthy habits by the end of the week, it’s also much harder after just a day. Just think how hard it is to have any willpower when you’re stressed or have had a long day at work… Read more

My Aha Moment – I Figured It Out!

July 17, 2019

Hi, guys, it’s Paige and I wanted to share what I discovered after months, well years really, of struggling with a stubborn belly that I couldn’t get rid of and, frankly, seemed like it was going to ruin my life. I was so frustrated, I made it my purpose to… Read more

Weight Loss Case Study Story

July 17, 2019

Transcript Below: I have an inspiring story that I want to tell. See, like a lot of my clients in their 40s, 50s, and 60s I found myself in that stage of life I think of as “Sudden Belly Fat.” So, when Linda came to me with the same problem,… Read more

My Story – Dealing With Belly Fat After 40

July 17, 2019

Hi, guys! I wanted to share my story because it’s what brought me where I am today and I think a lot of you can relate. You can watch the video above or read about it down below. When I was in my 20s and 30s I wasn’t overweight but, of… Read more

This one principle can change your life…

July 11, 2019

This post is all about a very simple (but super powerful) philosophy in business that improves efficiency, creates steady long-term growth, and basically helps you to crush your goals. But the power of this philosophy goes way beyond business. It also can make a HUGE difference in living a better,… Read more

The Real Number of Days it Takes to Create a Habit

June 28, 2019

Is there any word other than ‘habit’ that makes you shudder? It’s like ‘healthy lifestyle’ and ‘discipline’ and ‘politics.’ Words that make you instantly realize either all the things you’re doing wrong – or NOT doing at all – or all the things you can’t stand to think about (politics… Read more

5 Moves That Burn Mega-Calories – No Cardio Needed

June 10, 2019

We often think that the only way to get the heart rate up is with high impact exercises – Jumping jacks, jump roping, squat jumps, running, etc. Those are great exercises, but not everyone’s joints are thrilled with all that pounding, making it tough to find moves that really challenge… Read more

Bye Bye Sleeping Through the Night

May 16, 2019

Have you said “bye bye” to sleeping through the night? Are you feeling exhausted or “running on stress hormones” all day? Have no fear, y’all, because I’ve found some great tips and? A new recipe for you to try. The science of sleep is fascinating, complicated and growing Sleep is… Read more

30-Minute Outdoor Interval Workout

May 3, 2019

If you’re heading outside, don’t just go for your usual boring walk or run. Spice things up with interval training. It’s been proven to burn more calories, increase your afterburn and make you skinny. Okay, maybe not skinny but it’s more fun than just going the same pace. Use This… Read more

The Best Moves For Lean, Strong Abs

April 22, 2019

Abs. It’s not a 4-letter word but you might utter a 4-letter word every time you see yours. Now, you know that ab moves do NOT remove the flab, but they are very important in contributing to your overall fat loss and, of course, core strength. Below are some of… Read more

Try the Pushup Fitness Test

March 26, 2019

Riddle me this: What’s one of your least favorite exercises? If you said PUSHUPS, I don’t blame you. Pushups are hard, especially for women because we usually don’t have as much upper body strength as men do. And they’re just hard, right? BUT, pushups are so, so, so good for… Read more

Killer Kettlebell Exercises!

January 21, 2019

Kettlebell training has tons of advantages – You increase your aerobic capacity, strengthen your entire body and reduce lower back pain. Here are 5 killer kettlebell moves to get your heart rate up and metabolism going. 1. One Arm Swing Hold a KB (8-20 lbs) in the right hand, feet hip-distance apart.… Read more

Last Minute Fitness Gifts

December 10, 2018

If you’re running out of ideas for gifts, don’t worry. I’ve some good ones for last minute fitness gifts for the exerciser in your life. Or? For yourself! I won’t tell.   Adjustable Kettlebell/Softbell This is genius!  A way to have a ‘kettlebell’ using the softbells and adding on until… Read more

Standing Core Exercises

November 2, 2018

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Seated Core Workout

November 2, 2018

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Alternatives for Dumbbells and Where to Buy Cheap Equipment

October 18, 2018

If you really want to make changes in your body and make your future body less susceptible to pain, injury and just feeling crappy, weight training is a must. Adding lean muscle tissue bumps up your metabolism, strengthens your bones, muscles and connective tissue and it makes you feel good… Read more

10 Things to Do To Reduce Stress Right Now

October 15, 2018

Times are stressful these days. We have a constant stream of information in our faces, ears, eyes…everywhere. We’re getting older, we’re gaining weight and there are a lot of problems in the world that we have no idea how to solve. Here’s the thing though: Stress is killing us. It’s making… Read more

Eating – Are You Doing it Wrong? It’s Not Your Fault

October 5, 2018

Oh my gosh – nutrition and diet info is everywhere! And each expert and association tries to lead you in their direction because they know best and their advice is going to help you. Right? Well, maybe… Everyone has heard (and maybe lived through) the intense focus on how much… Read more

Power, Core and Strength Workout

October 5, 2018

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You’re Always Under Construction

September 14, 2018

Two things happened recently that reminded me of this: We can’t always be moving forward. What reminded me of this was, first, a neighbor of mine was frustrated because she was only able to do 15-minute workouts. Her house was under construction, her kids were going back to school and… Read more

Burn More Calories During Your Walks

August 22, 2018

Walking is a great exercise – You can do it pretty much anywhere, you get to be outside and you don’t need any special skills to do it. That’s all well and good, but it’s also easy to turn your exercise walk into more of a stroll. That’s fine if… Read more

The 3 Phases of Overwhelm and How to Deal

August 16, 2018

I was thinking about a recent FB post I made to my group about getting up on the wrong side of the bed. But it was more than that, I just didn’t realize it at the time. It wasn’t just a bad mood, it was something else…something I couldn’t quite… Read more

Intermittent Fasting – Does it Work?

July 18, 2018

There are all kinds of diet trends out there – Low carb, the Keto diet, the Mediterranean diet – but the latest trend? Intermittent Fasting Now, this has been around for awhile, but like everything, it’s experienced a resurgence and there are some studies showing that it can actually help you… Read more

Exercise of the Week: Wall Sits

July 11, 2018

Squats and lunges aren’t for everyone, especially if you have knee problems. But one way to work the lower body without the up and down motion of squats is with the Wall Sit. A Wall Sit is almost like a supported squat, but it’s a static move. That means you’re holding… Read more

Tools That Can Help You Control Your Portions

May 22, 2018

Portion Control. The scariest words out there, right next to, “Honey? We need to talk.” The bad thing about portion control is that you have to actually pay attention to what you’re eating. The good thing? We live in a time where there are tons of great tools that make… Read more

It’s Time for A Challenge!

May 1, 2018

There are times in your life when you’re in sort of exercise hibernation mode. Like you have to approach your workouts like a scared kitten you’re coaxing out from under the bed… “Come here little guy…I won’t hurt you if you won’t hurt me…” Then there are times when you… Read more

Weird and Interesting Fitness Trends for 2018

March 13, 2018

There’s nothing Americans love more than creating trends. Because I’m old, I think about the things I begged my mom to get me – Parachute pants, Tretorn shoes, the Barbie Dream House…or, remember the Easy Bake Oven? I had one and, thinking about it, I probably baked more when I… Read more

Need Some Stress Management? It’s Time to Take a Walk

March 5, 2018

If you’re stressed out, there’s a very good chance you’re a living, breathing human being. I emphasize the ‘human’ part of the equation because I see my cats and they are so not stressed that they actually sleep for 23 hours a day. There are all kinds of stress and… Read more

New Exercises to Try – Crossover Lunges

January 30, 2018

Lunges are never far from any personal trainer’s mind and never are we more excited than when we learn a new one. Today’s version is kind of like a curtsy lunge, which involves stepping back and across into the lunge. In this version, you’re actually crossing over in the front,… Read more

Mixed Interval Treadmill Workout

January 10, 2018

Do you ever get on the treadmill at home or at the gym and throw a towel over the display so that you can’t see how much longer you have to go? And then you lift the towel and go, “I’ve been on this thing for 3 MINUTES?!” Yeah. The… Read more

Having Trouble Working Out? Maybe You Haven’t Figured Out How Exercise is Valuable In Your Life

January 8, 2018

The other morning, I rolled out of bed, put on my workout clothes and looked in the mirror where I said, “Let’s crush this workout!” Okay, not really. What I actually did was put on my workout clothes and then proceed to NOT actually workout. We all know the hardest… Read more

(Mostly) Healthy Holiday Cocktails That Won’t Blow Your Diet

December 18, 2017

Because it’s the holidays, I have to post something about healthy holiday alternatives to the usual calorie-laden fare. I’m pretty sure this is actually part of the Personal Trainer Constitution and I’ll be kicked out if I don’t. I’ve decided to focus my efforts on the one area I love the… Read more

3-Minute Total Body Relaxation

December 18, 2017

I know that all these new-fangled electronics are supposed to make life easier, but I think it makes us all just a little bit crazier, too. How many times do you automatically reach for your phone to check for messages or emails? If I counted how many times my husband… Read more

Photo by Caley Dimmock on Unsplash

Fitness Gifts That (Hopefully) Don’t Suck

December 6, 2017

This time of year, there is an infinite number of holiday gift guides out there and I swear I’ve looked at all of them to try and find ideas for the hard-to-buy people in my life (ahem, husband). And now I have another list to add to the lists. My… Read more

I Know How to Get You to Workout Over the Holidays…

November 16, 2017

I know, that’s a bold statement but stay with me. In my latest article, 2 Reasons Exercise May Just Save Your Sanity, I present to you your very own Fairy Godmother. I know…you didn’t know you had one, did you? Well, you do and she isn’t anything like you thought.… Read more

Low Impact Exercise of the Week: Goblet Squat with Rotation

November 15, 2017

We often think that the only way to get the heart rate up is with high impact exercises – Jumping jacks, jump roping, squat jumps, etc. Those are great exercises, but not everyone’s joints are thrilled with all that pounding, making it tough to find moves that really challenge you.… Read more