🔥💪5 ways to boost metabolism that AREN’T workouts! 👍🔥

I know I tend to harp on exercise to burn calories and boost your metabolism but guess what? There are ...

DIY Meal-Planning Macro-Style

If you read my recent article about How to Calculate Your Macros, now you're ready to get to the good ...

Want to Know How Much Protein, Carbs, and Fat To Eat? Here’s How to Calculate Your Macros

Over the years, you've no doubt heard different percentages for how much protein, carbs, and fat to eat to lose ...

Want to Boost Your Metabolism? Go Back to Bed

When it comes to managing our weight, we talk a lot about metabolism. We know it's the engine that runs ...

Meal Prep 101 – Want to Lose Weight? Get Out the Tupperware

What's the number one reason it's really hard to lose weight? I know, you probably think of tons of reasons ...

Intermittent Fasting – 101 The Secret to Weight Loss?

Answer me this: How many diet trends have you lived through? Can you even count them? I remember years ago ...

Why You Gain Belly Fat When You’re Stressed

“I’m still looking for this kitchen in which abs are made...do you know where it is?” That’s what one client ...

Do You Wish You Had the Perfect Body? It’s a LOT of Damn Work

At the gym one day, I shamelessly eavesdropped on a conversation between two women that went something like this: (As ...

This Is Where You Start if You Want to Start Exercising

You need to exercise. I need to exercise. Everyone needs to exercise. We know this. We also know all the ...

10 Exercise Rules to Live By – Here’s How to Get Yourself Moving

Exercise isn't easy, even under the best circumstances. It's something a lot of us know we need to do, but ...

How Protein Can Help You Lose Belly Fat

You probably already know about the importance of protein in your diet, right? And it's really important for losing weight, ...

How to Read the New Nutrition Facts Tables Without Your Head Exploding

We all know that little box on the side of packaged foods, right? The Nutrition Facts table or, as I ...

How to Improve Gut Health

Hippocrates said, “All disease begins in the gut.” And while this may not be 100% true for every disease in ...

Common Weight Loss Myths Busted

Weight loss advice is so common (and contentious) now. There are competing opinions everywhere. We've got calories in/calories out, no ...

4 Mental Hacks that Help You Make Exercise a Habit

Exercise is NOT like a box of chocolates. It's more like a bottle of Windex and some paper towels...you know ...

Why Your Waist Circumference Matters 100x More Than What You Weigh

How often do you step on the scale? A lot of us do it every single day and you probably ...

Everything You Think You Know About Healthy Eating is Wrong and it’s Making You Fat and Tired

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by all the diet and nutrition info out there? Just standing in the grocery store ...

4 Ways to Avoid Overeating at Meals

Sometimes those holiday feasts are just amazing. And it's not just the abundance of delicious food but also the people, ...

Why is My Metabolism Slow?

Metabolism is a word that comes up a lot when it comes to weight loss, and it's obvious why - ...

3 Must Eat Breakfast Foods

So, let's talk about breakfast. Like a lot of people, I tend to eat the same breakfast every day. Gone ...

Is Sugar Making Your Belly Fat?

Gaining belly fat is one of the most frustrating things that happens as we get older. It seems to creep ...

Stress Makes Your Belly Fat – Here’s What to Do About It

Remember when you were a kid - like around 8 years old or so - and all you could think ...

You Already Have What You Need to Lose Weight You Just Need to Tap Into It

Despite the seemingly endless information out there, losing weight still seems like a mysterious process, doesn't it? We know it's ...

All About Your Metabolism – Here’s how to speed things up

The word “metabolism” is thrown around a lot these days. How many times have I looked at someone skinnier than ...

Are You White-Knuckling It? It’s Time to Let Go

When we set out to lose weight, there are two different things happening. First, there's what we think should be ...

The One Problem You Need to Fix to Start Losing Weight

What's so hard about weight loss? There are about a hundred answers to that question, one of which is pizza ...

3 Reasons to Exercise Besides Weight Loss

One thing we all love is this: Instant gratification. And there are so many ways to get instant gratification these ...

3 Hidden Benefits of Strength Training

I have a question for you: Are you strong? When you think of strength, what comes to mind? Physical strength ...

I Tried It:The Schwinn Classic Cruiser Exercise Bike

With more and more people working out at home these days, there's no shortage of fitness gear out there to ...

Want to Lose Weight? You’re Going to Have to Get Real With Your Eating

For most of my life, I've been pretty lucky with my weight. I have a decent metabolism, grew up in ...

How to Stop Kicking Yourself for Failing

What's the most annoying thing people say when they talk about losing weight and getting healthy? You Have to Change ...

Tips to Keep You Exercising

Whether you're just starting exercise or you've been at it for awhile, there will come a time when you want ...

Exercise Lesson of the Week – Do What You Like

I once had this client who really loved all of the exercises I gave her. When we went through various ...

3 Ways to Find the Value in Exercise

When you look at pretty people at the gym, it's easy to think they just wake up all motivated to ...

2 Reasons You HAVE to Exercise During the Holidays

When it comes to the holidays, there are no shortage of tips for staying healthy and keeping up with your ...

Rest and Recovery – Why Your Body Needs to Rest Sometimes

You know you're supposed to exercise most days of the week in some form or fashion, but one of the ...

Perceived Exertion Scale – How to Monitor Your Exercise Intensity

Monitoring Your Intensity with Perceived Exertion The rate of perceived exertion or RPE is a subjective tool for keeping track of ...

Can You Trust Yourself?

The exercise/healthy eating/weight loss process would be so much easier if it weren't for one thing: The fact that we ...

What to Do When You Don’t Feel Like Exercising

We all have days when we don't feel like exercising. Maybe some of us feel like that every single day, ...

How to Look More Fit Than You Are

As a personal trainer, I spend a lot of time telling people how to get fit which, at its simplest, ...

What is High Intensity Interval Training and Why Should You Care?

If you pay any kind of attention to fitness and exercise, you've probably heard of high intensity interval training. In ...

Lessons in Weight Loss – It’s Not Just a Numbers Game

With my job as a trainer and a fitness writer I almost can't get through a single day without typing ...

Exercise Reality Check

Once I was talking to a friend about how Mondays are a huge train wreck for me. I wake up ...

Embracing Uncertainty

Weight loss is a complicated thing and, if you've ever been through it, you know that there are often questions ...

3 Truths and a Lie

Whenever I go to the grocery store and stand in line looking at all the fitness and health magazines, there's ...

Getting Older and Fatter? Me Too – Here’s How We Can Deal

Getting Older, Gaining Weight Yep. It Happens If you've ever had to go through your clothes and throw out all ...

5 Ways to Make Winter Exercise Suck Less

Winter generally sucks. I say that because I live in Chicagoland where it's really cold and windy and it snows ...

Why You Should Avoid Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain

During the holidays you pretty much can't throw a wet cat without hitting some article about holiday weight gain. In ...

Learn How to Think Like an Exerciser

1. Look for opportunities, not excuses. While a non-exerciser may look at situations like traveling or working late as reasons ...
Lounging in the grass

Breaking the Rules of Exercise

When I first started personal training, I was hung up on following the rules I learned in my certification courses: ...

How Much Weight Should I Lift?

Choosing the amount of weight you use for strength training is a tricky business, even for experienced exercisers and, if ...

Why It’s Not Your Fault You’re Not Losing Weight

Okay, maybe it is a little bit your fault, but there are forces working against you that you may not ...

Reader Question: How do I get my head motivated?!!?

Dear Paige -   I’ve been reading your articles for years and using your workouts and advice….here’s my question….I pretty much ...
fear of failure article image paige worn out

Feel Like an Exercise Failure? Here’s How to Turn it Around

You know you’re supposed to exercise. How do you know? Because you’re constantly reminded. You probably couldn’t throw a rock ...

My Stress Ate My Workouts!

Have you ever made some decisions in your life that you almost instantly regret?  For example, maybe you just had ...

5 Ways to Make Morning Exercise Suck Less

1.  Get all your stuff together the night before.   Because having to search for the strap to your heart ...

It’s annoying, but Nike is right – Just do it

How much time do you spend arguing with yourself about whether to exercise?  I ask this because a client came ...

Yes, you should listen to your body…except when it’s a big fat liar

I can't count how many times I've said or heard the phrase, "You should really listen to your body."  When ...