Welcome to the Workout Library, a nice safe place for you to view all the workouts I’ve created for your exercise pleasure. I’ve organized workouts in a way that I think will be helpful. I’ve also listed how long each workout will take (approximately), what level it is appropriate for, and what equipment you will need. If there is a workout you would LOVE to do but don’t see here, get in touch. I love making workouts!!

Total Body Workouts

15-30 Minute Circuit Workout: This total body circuit takes you through a variety of cardio/strength exercises for an effective, efficient total body workout. All you need are some dumbbells.

Joint-Friendly Workout: Is jumping something you only want to do if tasered? I’ve got your back with this joint-friendly workout. Just so you know, joint-friendly does not mean easy!

No Fail Circuit Workout: Feel like you’re not getting enough out of your workouts? Well, this is your No Fail Workout – It hits every muscle group with challenging, total body strength exercises and includes a mix of cardio moves as well to hit everything you need for a strong healthy body.

Weight Loss Circuit Workout: Want to work everything in one workout? This circuit is for you. You’ll alternate cardio and strength moves for a whole body, calorie-burning workout.  You’ll need a medicine ball and some weights for this one.

Total Body Ball Stretch: Need a little relaxation time? Get out your ball for these soothing, relaxing ball stretches.

Workouts: Core

Core Workout 1-Groundwork: If you’re just getting started, this is the perfect workout to help you build a solid foundation in your abs, back and core.

Core Workout 2-Build Strength: The next step is increasing the intensity to build some serious core strength with these classic ab and back exercises.

Core Workout 3-Dynamic Strength: Get off the floor with these dynamic core exercises that will challenge your body in a more functional way.

Quick and Easy Series

Quick and Easy Core Workout: This 5 minute core workout is short, efficient and perfect for any level of exerciser.

Quick Fix Series

Quick and Easy Core Workout: This 5 minute core workout is short, efficient and perfect for any level of exerciser.

Quick Fix Cardio Core Workout: Time-crunched? This dynamic workout focuses on the core with a little cardio so you can get more bang for your buck.  Should take you less than 15 minutes.

Quick Fix Lower Body Cardio Circuit:  I’ve got another timesaver for you, this one with killer lower body moves and total body cardio moves to keep your heart rate elevated and to help you burn calories.

Quick Fix Upper Body Circuit:  Ready for a new timesaver workout? This one focuses on the upper body with dynamic moves that you’ll love.  Or hate.  Either way, do it!

Tabata-Style Workouts

Tabata Cardio Workout 1 – Want to work hard in less time?  This workout is only about 6 minutes long, so there are no excuses.  Don’t forget to do a warm up first and, hey, I’ve also got this in video form so we can all sweat together.

Tabata Cardio Workout 2 – Want to work hard in less time?  This workout is only about 6 minutes long, so there are no excuses.  Don’t forget to do a warm up first and, hey, I’ve also got this in video form so we can all sweat together.