My Story – Dealing With Belly Fat After 40

Hi, guys! I wanted to share my story because it’s what brought me where I am today and I think a lot of you can relate.
You can watch the video above or read about it down below.
When I was in my 20s and 30s I wasn’t overweight but, of course, I thought I was…until I hit my mid-40s and then I found out exactly what weight gain was.
I felt like I woke up one day with this big, flabby belly that came completely out of nowhere.
It totally changed my life and not in a good way.
It changed the way I felt about myself. I suddenly hated my body and I kind of hated myself because somehow I had done something wrong to make this happen.
It changed the clothes I wore – no more cute outfits and bathing suits but now I was wearing blousy shirts to hide my belly — actually, pretty much anything to disguise my weight gain.
In fact, I’ll never forget one weekend I cleaned out my closets and the pile of clothes that didn’t fit bigger and bigger. Almost my entire wardrobe.
The worst moment was trying jeans that fit just a year and a half before.
At the time I was 43. I had put on 25 lbs.
The worst part? I’m a personal trainer. I exercise. I eat right most of the time and I just thought This could NOT be happening to me.
But it was.
And no matter how hard I worked out or how many diets I tried, nothing worked. I was at my lowest point and I thought I would never feel good about myself again.
It was my rock bottom and I thought, ‘you know, I can’t live like this. I have to do something about it.’
So I made it my mission to figure why belly fat is so stubborn and so hard to lose in women in their 40s, 50s and 60s. 

That’s why I started Get Fit With Paige

That’s why I started my Bye-Bye Belly Fat Facebook Group.
And that’s why I created my 12 Week Bye-Bye Belly Fat Program (available soon and for a limited time). It was a huge game-changer for me and I want it to be a game-changer you.

Moving Forward,


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