Virtual Personal Training

My goal at Get Fit With Paige is to give you something more than just a workout. I want to give you workouts that are both personal and customized.

There are plenty of websites out there that offer workouts and even online personal training, but many of those workouts are one-size fits all. It’s great if you know how to get around exercises that hurt, or equipment you don’t have.

But what if you don’t know how to do that? That’s where I come in.

What I can offer is customized workouts for you. Workouts that fit:

  • Your goals – Whether you want to lose weight, get healthy or just be able to climb the stairs without dying, your workouts will be specific to that goal.
  • Your schedule – No matter how much time you have, whether it’s 10 minutes or 60 minutes, your workouts will fit your life.
  • Your equipment – No equipment? No problem. Or maybe you have some stuff lying around gathering dust. Your workouts will fit what you have available.
  • Your issues – Bad knee, bad back…or maybe other types of issues like just generally disliking most of the workouts you’ve done before.
  • Your likes and dislikes – The most important part of exercise is doing something you actually like. The workouts we make are built around what you like or what feels good to you right now. As you get stronger, you may realize your likes and dislikes will change too.

Here’s what one of my virtual personal training clients had to say:

“Paige is an amazing trainer who is able to not only work with a person’s capabilities but interests as well. She understands how working with what a person likes to do will make that person more apt to keep with it! She is highly knowledgeable, adaptable, and fun to work with….Oh, and she knows that life also needs a good wine and cheese binge once in a while. That is not to be underestimated!” Tonya Murphy

How it Works

Once you contact me, we get started right away. You’ll fill out some simple paperwork about your health and exercise history, we go over your goals and come up with a plan. Everyone has different needs so I offer a few options:

Virtual Personal TrainingJust for You Workout Package

This is like face-to-face, only we may be using things like Skype, email, phone calls and other ways to communicate. You tell me your goal and

Sign up for the 2-Month Virtual Personal Training Package and you’ll get:

  • Printable personalized workouts that include instructions, pictures and descriptions of each exercise, so you’re not staring at an exercise like, what is that?
  • A program designed for your specific goals – And help setting those goals if you don’t know what they are yet.
  • Workouts that fit you – The time you have, the equipment you have available and the kinds of workouts you actually like.
  • Personal support – You’ll have weekly check-ins from me to support you
  • A 4-week check in each month to reassess how you’re doing

Choose the Just-For-You option if you have a specific issue that requires something more personal and customized. Once you contact me and we connect, we’ll work together to come up with a program that works for you. Like the personal training you also get:

  • Printable personalized workouts – You also have an option for customized videos
  • A program designed for your specific goals
  • Workouts that fit you – The time you have, the equipment you have available and the kinds of workouts you actually like.
  • Personal support – Each week we can communicate, through email, skype, a phone call smoke signals – whatever works for you
  • Check-in – Together, we’ll figure out how much accountability you need and how best to support you to stay on track

I take payments through PayPal. I also offer a video version of your workouts for an extra charge. We can talk about that if you’re interested.

Interested?  Don’t be a stranger.

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