6-Day Active Movement Challenge

Welcome to Day 1 of your active movement challenge. If you want to be more active, you’re going to love these challenges. They’re easy to follow and get you moving at times of the day when you might normally sit a little too much.

Remember that your challenges come roughly every other day, so you can complete the challenges anytime you like.  And you can even do them on more than one day, which means you get bonus points!

Today’s challenge involves one of the most important ways we can move more:


Walking is probably one of the most accessible activities and most of us can find a little time to do it.

What you may not know is that there are tons of benefits including:

  • It counteracts the genes that cause us to gain weight
  • It can help curb your cravings
  • It can reduce your risk of getting breast cancer
  • It’s good for joint pain
  • It boosts your mood
  • It helps reduce your risk of heart disease and high blood pressure

I could go on forever but, really…is there any other activity you can do for 15-30 minutes a day and get that many benefits? I think not!

Okay, let’s get started!

Your Day 1 Challenge – Walking

What You Need:

  • Your feet (and shoes)
  • A place to walk

Your challenge is to accumulate 15 minutes of walking one day this week (or more – you will not be penalized for doing being teacher’s pet).

You can do this all at once, in 5-minute increments or however you like. Do it outside, in the office, around your house…anywhere your body can perambulate.

While you’re walking, try not to use any distractions. Just feel the movement, look around you, take a deep breath and enjoy it.

The Takeaway

So, what can you learn from this?

  • Did you have a nice place to walk? If not, does that stand in the way of you walking more?
  • How did your body feel while you walked? Did you have any pain or other issues that might be an obstacle to regular walking?
  • Do you even like walking?
  • How could you take this knowledge with you going forward? Maybe walk 3 times a week, for example.
  • How can you reward yourself for doing a good job?

Walking Tools

Walking/Running Belt For Your Phone

Walking Poles

21 Day Fix Portion Control Containers

I personally use this and it’s really made a huge difference.

Walking Shoes

Bonus – Recipes

Nope, you don’t have to make these recipes…I just put them together for you because, if you’re like me, you need new ideas from time to time. So there’s a dinner, a snack and a breakfast recipe.

Also included is a shopping list for all of the recipes, for your shopping pleasure. Happy eating!

Here’s your shopping list.

Okay – there you go. Questions, comments, sarcastic remarks? Please email me and I’ll help you out