6-Day Active Movement Challenge – Day 2

Welcome to Day 2 of your healthy eating challenge…so how did the measuring go?

Today’s challenge is kind of along the same lines as Day 1 in that you’re going to be paying attention to what you’re eating. Not scrutinizing or anything – I really want you to be successful at all of the challenges and keeping things simple leads to success.

Last week, we worked on some portion control. This week you’re going to take it to the next step and keep a food diary.

Don’t panic! It’s not some long, awful process. You only have to do it for one day. That’s it! Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Your Day 2 Challenge – Keep a Food Diary for One Day This Week

What You Need:

Keeping Track of Your Meals

For this challenge, I want you to pick one day where you can set aside a little time to write down what you’ve eaten. two meals. This includes everything you eat – Meals, snacks, booze…whatever.

You don’t have to measure unless you want to. Remember, you can use this Portion Control Chart if you like.

Keep it as simple as you like – For example, for breakfast, you might just write, “Cereal, milk, 2 cups of coffee.”

Use this Food Diary to keep track of your meals. Or go high tech try an app. One of my favorites: BiteSnap Photo Food Journal. You just take a picture and the app does all the work for you. If you don’t have an iPhone, try MyNetDiary for androids.

The Takeaway

What can you learn from this experiment? Here are some things to pay attention to and to ask yourself:

  • Are there some meals that are always bigger than others?
  • Did having to write down your meals make a difference in what you ate?
  • Is it hard having to pay attention to everything you’re eating?
  • How could you take this knowledge with you going forward? Maybe choose one day a week to keep track of your food, for example.
  • How can you reward yourself for doing a good job?

Bonus Challenge – Keep It Going

This is totally optional but, just to dip your toe into the portion control pool without diving all the way in, try 3 or more days and track all of your food and drinks. Just keep a journal nearby and scribble it down or use one of the apps suggested above.

If you tend to eat the same meals all the time, this will be even easier for you.

Try just a few days and see what happens. You might be surprised that you’ll naturally make better choices. And that’s what it takes to lose weight, right?

Okay – there you go. Questions, comments, sarcastic remarks? Please email me and I’ll help you out.