5-Day Exercise Challenge Day 1 – Cardio and Lower Body

Okay, guys…it’s time to get moving. This challenge is all about getting the most out of your exercise time by doing the right kind of workouts.

Today, it’s all about Cardio and Lower Body Strength. Cardio will help you burn more calories during the workout – The lower body exercises actually help you burn more calories after the workout.

First, you’re working the largest muscles in the body, which means more calories burned. And? You’re building lean muscle tissue, which is more metabolically active than fat.

Sound good?

This mini-workout is all about supersets. You’ll alternate cardio moves for a few minutes then alternate lower body moves for 30 seconds each. This workout will fly by, I promise! 

Work at your own pace and take extra breaks if you need to.


Don’t forget to post your progress in the FACEBOOK GROUP


You can double your results by doing a little tweaking to your diet.

Here are some Breakfast Recipes that will give you healthy, hearty, protein-heavy meals. Pick one or make them all this week!


  • Go at your own pace – Sometimes I go fast but you don’t have to.
  • Use the modifications – I may offer modifications to make exercises easier or harder.
  • Use the pause and rewind button – It’s okay to stop and rest if you need it or to review an exercise.
  • Email me if you’re having any problems. That’s why I’m here.
  • Reward yourself – Give yourself something to look forward to for finishing your workout.